1st Quarter Play-by-Play

  Denmark U17 vs. Finland U17
  Date: Oct 22, 2022 • Site: Vantaa

1st Quarter Play-by-Play
Fi17 2-10on Fi1728Viuha K rush for 1 yard to the FI1729 (Kragelund M I).
Fi17 1-10on Fi1728Kurki N pass incomplete.
Fi17 3-6on Fi1712Kurki N rush for 16 yards to the FI1728, 1ST DOWN FI17 (Lapertis G A).
Fi17 2-6on Fi1712Kurki N pass incomplete to Alrubaye A.
Fi17 1-10on Fi1708Viuha K rush for 4 yards to the FI1712 (Andersen M;Fruelund M H B).
Fi17 1-18on Fi17081st and 10.
Fi17 1-10on Fi1716PENALTY FI17 unsportsmanlike conduct (Pakkanen U) 8 yards to the FI178.
Fi17 1-10on Fi1716FINLAND U17 drive start at 01:47.
 Drive: 10 plays, 42 yards, TOP 4:37
De17 4-5on Fi1721Riise A J pass intercepted by Pakkanen U at the FI1716, Pakkanen U return 0 yards to the FI1716.
De17 3-9on Fi1725Riise A J pass complete to Hermann J A for 4 yards to the FI1721 (Jukko R).
De17 2-8on Fi1724Hermann J A rush for loss of 1 yard to the FI1725 (Pakkanen U).
De17 1-10on Fi1726Hermann J A rush for 2 yards to the FI1724 (Tuovinen E;Illikainen L).
De17 4-3on Fi1732Riise A J pass complete to Andersen O W for 6 yards to the FI1726, 1ST DOWN DE17, out-of-bounds.
De17 3-8on Fi1737Riise A J pass complete to Hermann J A for 5 yards to the FI1732 (Sarajarvi J).
De17 2-8on Fi1737Riise A J pass incomplete to Hermann J A, dropped pass.
De17 1-10on Fi1739Hermann J A rush for 2 yards to the FI1737 (Pakkanen U;Linja J).
De17 2-5on De1742Helmi N T rush for 19 yards to the FI1739, 1ST DOWN DE17 (Ahonen S).
De17 1-10on De1737Helmi N T rush for 5 yards to the DE1742 (Jukko R).
De17 1-10on De1737DENMARK U17 drive start at 06:24.
 Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 0:52
Fi17 4-7on Fi1719Kurki N punt 44 yards to the DE1737, out-of-bounds.
Fi17 3-7on Fi1719Kurki N pass incomplete to Tahkapaa A.
Fi17 2-7on Fi1719Kurki N pass incomplete to Eerola L.
Fi17 1-10on Fi1716Viuha K rush for 3 yards to the FI1719 (Brunghart F E S).
Fi17 1-10on Fi1716FINLAND U17 drive start at 07:16.
 Drive: 5 plays, 16 yards, TOP 4:44
De17 4-8on De1740Larsen L S punt 39 yards to the FI1721, downed, PENALTY FI17 personal foul 5 yards to the FI1716, 1st and 10, FI17 ball on FI1716.
De17 3-8on De1740Riise A J pass incomplete.
De17 2-8on De1740Helmi N T rush for no gain to the DE1740 (Stagnas J).
De17 1-10on De1738Helmi N T rush for 2 yards to the DE1740 (Sarajarvi J;Koskenkantp L).
De17 2-5on De1729Riise A J rush for 9 yards to the DE1738, 1ST DOWN DE17 (Khalifa R).
De17 1-10on De1724Helmi N T rush for 5 yards to the DE1729 (Khalifa R;Pakkanen U).
Kurki N kickoff 50 yards to the DE1715, Brunghart F E S return 9 yards to the DE1724 (Lehtio M).
De17 1-10on De1735FI17 ball on FI1735.